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diagrammatic representation of data in statistics, objective, rules, types and applications

Diagrammatic representation of data is a method of presenting data visually using shapes, symbols, and illustrations. Unlike detailed numeric or textual data, diagrams provide a simplified view that highlights patterns, relationships, or differences in the data.

as we describe earlier the classification of data in biostatistical studies. this chapter is like extension of classified data in order to better understand the data or explain the data.

Let’s try to understand with example one example

Suppose you wanted to know the distribution of different blood types in a population. Listing detailed number with each blood type (e.g., A, B, AB, and O).

A bar diagram could show each blood type as a separate bar, where the height of the bar represents the percentage of people with that blood type (e.g., A, B, AB, and O). Instead of listing detailed numbers, the bar chart quickly conveys which blood types are more common and which are rare.

Application of diagrammatic representation of data

The objective of diagrammatic representation of data | importance of diagrammatic representation of data

Types of diagrammatic representation of data in biostatistics

there are different types of diagrammatic representation

among these diagrams, Bar diagram and pie chart, flow chart are very common in our daily/lab task. like we used to make flow chart for different experimental method.

Diagrammatic representation of data Bar diagrams

Types of bar diagram

Vertical Bar Chart

Displays bars vertically, with categories on the x-axis and values on the y-axis. It’s great for comparing different categories.

Horizontal Bar Chart

Displays bars horizontally, with categories on the y-axis and values on the x-axis. This format is useful for longer category names.

Stacked Bar Chart

Combines values within a single bar by stacking different segments. This is useful for showing the total and the contribution of subcategories.

Grouped Bar Chart

Shows bars for different categories side by side for comparison, often used for showing subcategories within a main category.

Diagrammatic representation of data pie diagrams


Flow chart

Flowcharts use shapes and arrows to represent a process or sequence of steps. They are especially useful in illustrating complex procedures or biological pathways.

Example: Preparation of plant extract.

source : Maceration Plant Extraction Explained: Unlocking the Potential


Rules for diagrammatic representation of data

Advantages and disadvantages of diagrammatic representation of data

advantages of diagrammatic representation of data

Disadvantages of diagrammatic representation of data


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